Monday, March 3, 2008

MARCH 2008

February 28th
Our members Mike Tobias, Dave Perla, and Amy Starrett were set to tell their interesting life stories.

Mike talked about his growing up in Squirrel Hill while his father built up his business (called Dipcraft because the first products were balloons made by dipping light bulbs in latex. In the late 1940’s and in the 50’s most children hadn’t had balloons to play with since most rubber was being used in war materiel for WW II.) After graduating from college Mike went to work for Alcoa and was stationed in New Mexico. After a while he was invited by a friend to go to work on a kibbutz (communal farm) in Israel, where he met his wife! They returned to America after a few years, and Mike eventually took over the business, moving into fiberglass panels. The last orders for balloons were filled by Dipcraft this past fall. It was great to hear about Mike’s adventures and him fondly telling stories about his father, like the time he took 45 minutes to introduce a Rotary speaker, and when the speaker came to the podium all he said was “Any questions?”!

Dave told us about his growing up in Swissvale, being so precocious as to enter the Swissvale schools early, and being a star athlete. He met his wife Lynn there; she graduated a few years after Dave. Their three girls are “everything” to Dave and Lynn, who are active at Maria Dell Castella RC Church.

Amy will be back next week when there is more time to hear of her exploits.

February 21st
The speaker was Bob Grom, CEO of Heritage Health Foundation, and past Rotary Club President. He gave a presentation on a new web-based venture by Heritage called “All Things Braddock”. It invites local organizations and businesses to engage the local community through the web site, and will have products by local companies, things of historical interest such as books, greeting cards made from historic prints and other items, and links to local organizations for information and fundraising.

All local groups are invited to be listed on the site, with sponsorships helping to maintain it in return for their own page on the site.

The site is set to open in the spring, so keep an eye on that address!

February 14th
About 20 members attended. There were two guests: Erin Harrell, who visited before (Amy is sending her application to joining our Rotary Club), and Jim Spindler.

John L. Sullivan gave an upbeat report on his and his son Brad's trip to Mississippi to help repair the plumbing work in many homes damaged by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The trip was sponsored by District 7300. The pastor of the Presbyterian Church, which housed many volunteers, said that Pittsburgh is #1 in the nation, supplying people and money to help with rebuilding in the aftermath of Katrina. We look forward to a full report and many of the pictures later by John. He noted they really 'had a blast' and found that Canadian teens (with whom Jon and Brad shared the same living space) do a great job in helping to dig holes.

President Deana announced (for Jim Spindler who distributed flyers, but then had to leave) Gov Rendell would be making an announcement of $3 million in state funds at UPMC/Braddock on Wed, 1:30, Feb 20. All are welcome to be present it was to be held at Classroom A/B on the third floor of the Professional Building.
Also at the Hospital on Feb 20, from 11 am to 2 pm. is a welcome to Advanced Pain Medicine Office, Suite 201.

Mike Tobias introduced his guest speaker, Danae Clark. She spoke of the change in her career which has now focused on "Green" and Greening Businesses. One of her goals is to attract new businesses and help existing businesses as she focuses on urban farming and urban ecology. A year ago a discussion with Chuck and Amy Starrett about a "Green Enterprise Zone" network was initiated. Such endeavors will hopefully lead to more local jobs and income. She noted that Mike Tobias at Dipcraft is developing a business in vinyl solar panels, as a new part of his business.
Very interesting, thank you Mike for bringing Ms Clark to Rotary.

50/50 of $16 was won by Al Boss Jr.

PRODUCE TO PEOPLE Saturday March 8 – 8:30 at the Blazin’ Bingo

The staff of the Woodland Hills High School arts and literary magazine, Graphiti, will be holding its annual Graphiti Cafe on Thursday, March 13. This evening of entertainment is held each year in the High School cafeteria between 6:30 and 8:30 pm. The cafeteria is transformed into a coffee house environment with examples of student art, live entertainment, children's activities and prizes. There will be free beverages and food available. The event is open to the public at no charge, but donations to underwrite some of the magazine's expenses are gratefully accepted.


INTERACT CLUB at Woodland Hills High School
by Cathy Gillis
One January afternoon I attended a part of the Interact Club meeting.

They were busy planning and making posters for their "Flashback Dance" Friday, Feb 29. Students will dress in costumes appropriate for their favorite era; ( '90's 70's, etc.) Tickets would be $5 per student and they hoped to sell enough in order to hold the dance. (Sometimes this doesn't happen and the dances are called off!!)
Also on Jan 28 they conducted a Blood Drive and will again hold one on March 28. They are looking forward to their usual advisor, Ms. Heather Nypas' return the end of January. Mr. DAve Brown has done a great job as advisor to the club in her absence.

Heather Mantella has had a baby! Sabina Rose Mantella
“I was scheduled to be induced on Tuesday, but Sabina was born Friday, January 11 at exactly 12:30 pm and she weighed exactly 6 lbs. It was a very quick and easy delivery, and she looks just like my boy Tony the day he was born. And she is a sleeper, so far. She is a little premature, but she is very healthy.”


From Dave Perla:
If you remember, Grace Ekis was the little girl with a brain tumor that I spoke about a couple times and that the school did the “Race for Grace” fund raiser for. I wanted to let everyone know that she passed away early this morning of February 15th. This really hits home for me since my youngest daughter is the same age and has the same name. Please pray for the Ekis family in this time of great sorrow.

Skip and Cathy Gillis made up at Turtle Creek Rotary and heard a speaker describe the need for Clean water in Malawi and how TC Rotary is looking for an international project, such as this. One expert has said that IF nations had CLEAN water most health problems would be greatly reduced.
Skip Gillis has agreed to serve as Assistant DG to DG Jim Kunkelman for this upcoming year. He would be the liason/communications man with Braddock, Swissvale, Churchill and Forest Hills.

February News from District Governor Denny Crawford:
Among the highlights are the Venezuelan Group Exchange visit to Pittsburgh and the new membership movement.

South Coordinator
Team Leader- Diego Jose Brito- Educator
Team Member- Silva Maria Gil-corporate lawyer
Team Member- Douglas Roberto Romero Flores-high school English teacher
Team Member- Rossana Gabriel Penoth- Dentist
Team Member- Maria Eugenia Fanti-TV Producer (news)

Saturday, May10 Pick up at airport, dinner with host families
Sunday, May 11, team members rest
Monday, May 12-Dormont, Mt. Lebanon, Castle Shannon to host-Southside venues
Tuesday, May 13- vocational day
Wednesday May 14- To be hosted by Pittsburgh Rotary with downtown venues
Thursday May 15- Oakland hosts, Carnegie Museum and Cathedral of Learning
Friday, May 16 morning pack for District Conference, leave about 10:00am

District Conference Will stay Friday night and Saturday night at Hampton Inn, may stay on same floor with Rotary Exchange Students visiting the District Conference.
Sunday, May 18, return to host families in East.

Team Leader- Diego Jose Brito- Educator
Team Member- Silva Maria Gil-corporate lawyer
Team Member- Douglas Roberto Romero Flores-high school English teacher
Team Member- Rossana Gabriel Penoth- Dentist
Team Member- Maria Eugenia Fanti-TV Producer (news)
Monday, May 19- Morning rest- Frick Museum or Westmoreland Arts Museum
Tuesday, May 20-Vocational Day
Wednesday, May 21-Forest Hills host- Westmoreland Arts Museum or Kennywood, if open. If not, maybe the North or West can host. Alternate for FH, Pittsburgh Zoo.
Thursday, May 22- Monroeville Club hosts Westinghouse Museum
Friday, May 23- Turtle Creek, (and Churchill) hosts, Edgar Thomson
Works morning, leave for Washington, DC after Turtle Creek club meeting
Visit Washington, D.C. and Flight 93 site enroute
Sunday, May 25, Return to host families in North (about 7pm)

Team Leader- Diego Jose Brito- Educator
Team Member- Silva Maria Gil-corporate lawyer
Team Member- Douglas Roberto Romero Flores-high school English teacher
Team Member- Rossana Gabriel Penoth- Dentist
Team Member- Maria Eugenia Fanti-TV Producer (news)
Monday, May 26- morning rest, McCandless Club, trip to Pittsburgh Technical Institute in PM
Tuesday, May 27-Vocational Day
Wednesday, May 28-*
Thursday, May 29-*
Friday, May 30- morning rest, Kennywood, if open and not visited before, alternate Pittsburgh Zoo
Saturday, May 31 - move to West

Team Leader- Diego Jose Brito- Educator
Team Member- Silva Maria Gil-corporate lawyer
Team Member- Douglas Roberto Romero Flores-high school English teacher
Team Member- Rossana Gabriel Penoth- Dentist
Team Member- Maria Eugenia Fanti-TV Producer (news)
Sunday, June 1 –trip to Amish Country (Volant) and Prime Outlets
Monday, June 2-*
Tuesday, June 3- Vocational Day
Wednesday, June 4-Pack and leave for home

Other Venues for clubs to select
*Pirate Baseball Game-?
*Aviary, Carnegie Science Center (Pittsburgh North + one other club)
*Heinz History Center (Pittsburgh Club)
*Edgar Thomson Works (Braddock-Turtle Creek)
We need some clubs to co-host with the above suggested venues

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