Monday, December 1, 2008

FALL 2008

November 13
Speaking was Mary Hajdukiewicz who took Barb Willard’s place as speaker. Mary informed the club about challenges of recruiting for the Mon Valley environmental Technician Training program from people who had had a hard time getting started in their careers.

November 6
We heard from Chris Robinson about the 21st Century Learning afterschool program that HHFI runs at Propel Schools. Children catch up quickly if they are behind in reading and participate in this program, which is funded by the PA department of Education.

Halloween at the Library saw Idella, Sr Marita, Gaye and Cathy Gillis helping
Anita and Vicki and the Library crew.. We also looked in on Mayor John Fetterman's 'digs' across at the Elks. Cute.
There was a small but steady crowd all evening . A young sibling trio won the bike John L. had secured and raffled.... see the cute photo of these siblings from June Way, Braddock, whose Grandmother brought them.

October 31 Braddock area Hallowe’en Party at the Braddock Library.

October 30
Garry Human and Jared Alexander were installed as the Club's Newest members today!

ALSOProduce to People;
Skip and I, John L and son Brad, Al Boss and Tom were there. We were outside, which was very warm by the end of the morning. Josh Murphy who spoke at our Club, ran a good distribution, over 500 families.....a crew from Channel 4 were there filming/interviewing to be compiled into a program in December (19th I think) to be a Food Bank Telethon. The producer interview Cathy, and then John L asked to be interviewed. We assured the producer that he was a good talker....I think he mentioned about our Dukes and Dames contests, and of course Sullivan Plumbing's collection contests.
We surmise/guess that perhaps 10 seconds might be used for the WTAE program in December!See you Thursday. (Skip and Garry Human are going to the Membership Seminar at Edgewood.)
October 23
Today we were doubly blessed to have two outstanding speakers.
First was Josh Murphy, subbing at the last minute for Gail Robbins whose mother is ill. He told us about the Food Bank and his work specifically with the Produce to People. It has spent $164,000 for food at the Braddock site, first Saturday of each month. This serves an average of 412 families, meeting the criteria of an income of $30,000 for a family of 4. Each month about 35-50 lbs. of food are handed out. Josh and the food bank are very appreciative of our hands on work, at the Blazing Bingo.
He invites more of us to come, anytime after 8 a.m. to help with this growing need. Next distribution is Saturday, November 1. Vice President Ron Gaydos, on behalf of our Club, presented The Food Bank with a $1000 check, AND then upon winning the $14, 50-50, Ron added this to Rotary’s contribution to the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank. All of these monies will help secure more produce as the demand for more assistance is increasing.

The second speaker, a guest of Paul Costa, was Ralph Kaiser, now with the WQED MultiMedia Board, seeking funds from government sources in Harrisburg and Washington DC.
He told about how he became involved in the political process, being a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature from Brentwood.
Al Boss, Jr., was presented with the Paul Harris Certificate. Al was honored by our club in June, but we were unable until recently to secure this handsome certificate.
Congratulations again Al for all your years of service above self in Braddock Rotary.

We welcome President Dave back from his hip surgery. Next week he returns to his work, part time basis. Nice to see you here Dave and doing so well !!

Guests today were: Josh Murphy, GPFB, Ralph Kaiser, WQED, Garry Human, USS, ET, and prospective new member; former Braddock Rotarian, Ted Schleifer, frequent guest from the Hermitage Rotary club and past President of Braddock Rotary. (Ted, why don't you rejoin us ?)

ANNOUNCEMENTS:John L Sullivan brought his Large Brown Box for the Annual Food Drive. This will be an ongoing challenge between the Dames and the Dukes, as to which group can raise the most non perishable food items between now and the end of the year.
HOLIDAY WREATH SALE. Sign up with Rose Miles or the sign up sheet at the next meetings. These are lovely wreaths, $20, made by Mele Brothers and Sister, here in Braddock. Thus far 50 orders have been placed. Be sure and get yours.
Next Thursday, October 30: Installation of new members!!
>>>ALSO Tom Michlovic will arrange for our annual Oktoberfest celebration. For newcomers, this is at our regular meeting, but with special food and drink.

October 2, 2008
Terry Griffin of the PA League of Young Voters spoke about engaging 18-35-year-old citizens, making them voters, and keeping them engaged until they vote once, twice, and more times (in separate elections!) so they become habitual voters who know the issues and that they can gave a voice.
Holiday Wreath sale, probably $20 for 18" holiday wreath. Last date will be 17 Nov., Dec 2 wreaths can be picked up at Mele Bros and Sister.

Oct 7, Membership Seminar, 6:30 to 8 45
Nov 19 Wed., Foundation dinner at Station Square. More details later.

Annual FOOD DRIVE to benefit the Food Bank. Sullivan Super Service will let us piggy-back on their food competition for the holidays.
The Dukes vs the Dames of Braddock Rotary will see who can bring the most non perishable food to fill the barrel at Grand View.

Also: Elaine of Grand View is collecting toilet supplies, and other ship-able items to the armed forces overseas.

Ron Gaydos announced enrollment opportunities for the Mon Valley Environmental Tech Training program with EPA funding, through the Heritage Health Foundation. More information is available at

Winner of the 50-50 of $10 was Deana Nell. Her guest speaker was Jesse Hayward Director of House Cross Roads, Hill District. He gave a great talk about life, career, and keeping it all in perspective.
Other guests were: Ted Schleifer, new owner of Lucas Funeral Home, Scot Heasely, 'Y' Director at the Wilmerding 'Y', ( guest today of Rose Miles,)Kim Sullivan and Kathy Costa.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


What an eventful Summer for the Club! Events were very successful, and one of us even had a banner exchange in Hong Kong!

August 21
Interact guests

August 14, 2008

Summer Reading Program at the Braddock Library. “I went over today and for an hour, Ms Pied Piper (Cathy Gable) had the 15 children, various young ages, in the palm of her hand.” – Cathy Gillis

August 7
Guests today were David Rosenstraus, who spoke about "Fossil Free Fuel". He was Al Boss's guest speaker. Also a returning guest, friend of Jerry Balbot, Jared Alexander, from Commonwealth Bank, who applied for membership!

Last Saturday’s Produce to People had an excellent giveaway of food. Helping were our Rotarians, Gus Gray with granddaughter Alexa, Tom Michlovic, Amy Starret, Al Boss and Bill Roland, who visited our club last week and is a former staffer with State Sen. Sean Logan.
Several from our Club will be golfing at the District's annual Golf Outing, this year at nearby Edgewood Country Club. They were some of the 144 (the max) signed up, with others being turned away.

Note programs upcoming:August 14, Ms Cathy Gable, Storyteller, to children in the communities throughout Woodland Hills.
August 21, Megan McQuade, Interact Club President and senior at WHHS, who just returned from 4 weeks touring Europe through the People to People Ambassadors program.
September 11, (Patriot Day), D G Jim Kunkelman and wife, Sybil, will make his annual visit. He will be meeting with the Board 1/2 hour before the noontime meeting.
Winner of the 50-50 of $12 was Sr Marita. Glad to have you back, Sister!

July 24, 2008
See Attached for the information on the lecture on Thursday evening, July 24, about "The Red Schwinn".

We will raffle off a red Schwinn mountain bike for $1.00 per ticket. The giveaway will be that night, but people can purchase tickets before hand. All proceeds go to the Braddock Library, as the bike (new 26 inch mens') was donated by the Forest Hills Rotary Club.

July 10
Today, Thursday the 10th, we were a scarce group.
Gary Human, the new ET superintendent was a guest of John L's. (as well as Kimmie; and Rose had her driver to work, William Pinckney, as a guest;
Gary is a golfer and will be participating Tuesday the 15th in our Golf Outing. John L. is putting the final touches on that. Thus far, about 90 golfers are signed up.
Winner of 5050 was Tony M; $12 richer.

June 17, 2008 – Presidents’ Night
Here is a wrap-up of Presidents’ Night, beginning of the “Rotary New Year”, which is 80.
Rotarian "Skip" Gillis presents the newest Braddock Rotary Paul Harris Honoree Al Boss, Jr. with the Medallion, as Vice President Ron Gaydos looks on.
Outgoing Braddock Rotary President, Deana Nell, welcomes new President Dave Perla at PResidents' Night,
Braddock Rotarian Al Boss, Jr., Boss Optical, Braddock, is pleased to receive this
year's Paul Harris Award at the President's Night, June 17, 2008.

June 12, 2008
Big thank you to Tom Michlovic and his helpers for their work and success on the Spaghetti Lunch last Friday. Giving a big helping hand were: Leon Rochez, Gus Gray ( in the HOT kitchen). Joanne Schleifer and Deana Nell, up front with take-out orders; as well as Skip and Cathy Gillis, Gerry and Kathy Dettore, Mike Tobias, Ron Gaydos, Erin Harrell Idella Martin, Amy Starrett and Rose Miles. There were lots of great helpers AND donations from the PTO and Georgia and her Good Shepherd School kitchen crew. Also a big Thank you to Sacred Heart for donation of lots of paper products
Produce to People on Saturday was hot, and outside. Gus Gray and granddaughter Alexa, along with Cathy Gillis, lent a hand.
Next Produce to People is Saturday July 5., Blazing Bingo, Ninth and Talbot, around 8:30.
Ron Gaydos is heading up a Theatre bus trip to the show "Out of This Furnace" from our Library, June 27, Friday. This is for those who otherwise might not have the opportunity to see this production of the play, based on Thomas Bell's book. See Ron for further information. 40 tickets will be purchased to travel to Smallman St in the Strip District, the Open Stage Door Theatre.
Good News:USS and the new Director of the Mon Valley Works, Lisa R., has donated $25,000 to the Carnegie Library
Rose Miles announced that she has received word from RI that a $10,000 grant will be forth coming for the Y Camp this summer! GREAT!There will be NO meeting next Thursday, the 19th. Instead, be sure and sign up for the President's night June 17th, 5:30 social hour, 6 pm. Buffet dinner.
Rose Miles has compiled 11 Baskets for our Golf outing on Tuesday, July 15. Gus Gray and Skip Gillis this week visited many of the local merchants for their help and support.
Winner of the 50-50 of $11 was John L Sullivan, welcome back from your Cruise!

MAY 29, 2008
Still trying to get body and soul together after the trip to we talked about Thursday at Rotary, here is a listing of some of the upcoming dates that members should be advised to sign up and show up!!
Friday, June 6---Spaghetti Lunch, Good Shepherd School Cafeteria, Everyone needs to sign up for at least one shift, beginning at 8 a.m. and running until afternoon.
See Tom Michlovic and let him know when you will be there. Help is also needed earlier in the week to do the preparations. Give Tom a call.
(NOTE: No meeting on Thursday June 5)

PRODUCE to PEOPLE June 7 Saturday at Blazing Bingo. Anytime after 8 and before 10, Rotarians can help distribute food.
President's Night at the Elk's Club; to honor Deana and install Dave Perla as the 2008-2009 President - June 17, TUESDAY, 5:30, Social hour and 6 pm. Dinner. No Cost to members, Non-members and Guests $15.
At this time the Paul Harris awardee will be honored.
June 29 Sunday, Noon, Grand View, Medal of Honor Awards. June 12 at Tom Michlovic's office highschool senior are being interviewed for these scholarships

July 15, Annual Golf Outing, $125 per person, see Rose for items for the Chinese Auction. More on this later.

MAY 8, 2008
Guests were Kim Sullivan, Bob Rupp and Ken Soliday, YMCA Wilmerding Branch.
Produce to People, Saturday May 3: John L Sullivan and son Brad, Skip and Cathy Gillis and Ron Gaydos helped set up and serve about 450 Mon Valley residents with produce from the Greater Pittburgh Food Bank.
NEXT PRODUCE TO PEOPLE: Saturday June 7, about 9 a.m., Blazing Bingo, Ninth and Talbot, Braddock.Friday, June 6 Spaghetti Lunch, Good Shepherd School cafeteria. All hands "on deck" to help with the cooking preparation, ( June 2 & 3) and serving Friday about 10 to 1:30. Each Rotarian will receive 10 tickets, $6 pp. To make this a success, every Rotarian must strive to do his/her part. Tom Michlovic is our leader, along with parents from the school and church.
Tuesday, June 17, President's Night, where we honor our out going Pres. Deana and install incoming President, Dave Perla. This will be a Braddock Elks, 5:30 welcome and 6 buffet dinner. At this time our newest Paul Harris Fellow will be announced and honored.
Members are free, guests are $15. NOTE: No regular meeting that week, Thursday, June 19.
Sunday, 12 noon, June 29, Medal of Honor Brunch, Grand View. This is where we grant scholarship to High school seniors, in honor or Medal of Honoress from the Mon Valley. Tom Michlovic has been chairing this annual event for about 20 years.
Tuesday, July 15, Golf Outing, Grand View, Chaired by John L Sullivan and Paul Costa. Time 11:30 lunch and 12 “shotgun” start.
Monday, August 11 District 7300 Golf Outing, Edgewood CC, $125 per golfer; John Mock, T C Rotary, Chair. Let's make a Braddock showing here since THIS year's is soooo close to 'home'.
First speaker today was Bob Rupp (Past DG, and TC Rotarian), who reminded us of the International nature and Rotary Foundation's work locally and around the world.
Coming to completion is the Nigerian project of a $50,000 grant for PCs for 5 schools in Nigeria, as welll as generators to help power the schools computers.
Bob reminds us that when we give to honor our fellow Rotarians with a Paul Harris Award, we help fund the Foundation. There is available thousands of dollars for grants for worthy endeavors within our town as well as projects abroad. Jose (Joe) Ravano, Monroeville Rotary, is the chair this year.
Also speaking was Ken Soliday for East Areas 'Y' and the Braddock fitness and wellness center. The "Y" with 'our' Rose Miles is reaching out more and more to the youth in our community. Upcoming this summer is the summer camp where 130 kids will spend 5 days a week for 18 weeks in a daily program, located at Good Shepherd School.
Next week, May 15, Rodney Jones, will come and speak more about he impact the "Y" has had with our children and youth.
50-50 winner of $17 was Gus Gray, recently returned from golfing in Myrtle Beach. Welcome back Gus!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

MAY 2008

CALL FOR PLACEMAT ADS by Joanne Schleifer
These will be for the Braddock Rotary and Good Shepherd Parish and School Speghettie Luncheon. Business card -size ads are $25, payable to Braddock Rotary Club ad sent to Joanne Schleifer at 200 Comrie Street, 15104. Questions? contact Joanne at 412-877-7052

See the Upcoming Events at left for more Braddock Rotary Club activities and events.

Five Questions for: Erin Harrell, Our Newest Member

What brings you to Rotary? And to the area?
Like most big changes in life my moving to the area is the result of many small events. A good friend from high school, Callie Curry, came to Braddock in January of 2007 to participate in an art show. She fell in love with a beautiful building in a place with an intriguing mix of unique historical significance and an all too familiar post-industrial present. She called me and a few other people with whom she had previously worked and invited us to dream of the kind of life we'd create for ourselves and neighbors if we had the chance. We spent a few months talking about what we knew of the area, what we overwhelming didn't know, and what we wanted to learn.

Our dream project grew to include artist residencies, textile work, a print shop, alternative construction techniques, urban agriculture, and on and on. We agreed that the details would need to develop over time and in context and we realized that our core values and work ethics aligned enough to create a really strong organization. The timing was right for me as I was finishing graduate school for Arts Administration and looking for a next step. I felt as if my entire background of nonprofit work, community organizing, and art work could be used in this adventure.

More than anything else it is hope for a life rooted in personal responsibility, relationships, and the freedom to take risks that brought me here. I decided to come to the first Rotary meeting on a whim. The good natured comraderie and commitment to doing good in the world made we want to come back.

What have you enjoyed about being in Rotary so far?
All of you!! I really appreciate the welcome that has been extended. Growing up in the church the word "fellowship" has come to mean a lot to me. I also value the opportunity to get to know people that I might not otherwise meet.

What surprised you about the Club, if anything?
How much laughter there is at each meeting. It's been a good surprise!

What might the Club be surprised to know about you?
I always feel like such an open book; I'm not sure how to answer this one. Something about myself that still surprises me - In 2005 I completed two triathlons, one in Texas and one in Florida. Not as surprising: I didn't keep up my training afterwards.

= R =



Guest of Rosemary Miles was Kevin Henderson of Braddock; welcome Kevin.

Nice to see first man Dan back at Club. Hope you keep getting healthier and healthier, along with the sunshine of spring.

Also, welcome Jim Watts; always good to have you with us.

Last Saturday Al Boss, Erin Harrell, Skip and Cathy Gillis, Ron Gaydos, Amy Starrett, and John L Sullivan helped the Community Food Bank distribute produce to about 400 people from about 8 to 11 at the Blazing Bingo, Ninth and Talbot.
REMEMBER the next PRODUCE TO PEOPLE will be the first Saturday of May, May 3. BE SURE AND COME.

THis Saturday, April 12, at WHHS, Rosemary Miles invites us to come and watch the 3 on 3 Basketball 'tourney', from 11 to 4. We helped purchase Tee shirts for the youth to wear during this torunament. Also Rose says there will be a National Healthy Kids Day activity going on simultaneously.

Speaker next week, April 17, will be "Unseamed Shakespeare Co" who will share with us their plans for a production of "Out of this Furnace".
(If you have not read Thomas Bell's book by the same title, be sure and do so. It is a masterpiece about our valley and the struggles of the early immigrants from southeastern Europe who came to work the mills.)

On April 24, Jim Simmermon will share his memories of Joe Miller, who passed away two years ago. I'm sure we will all want to join in remembering our favorite stories of 'our' beloved Joe.

Also on April 24, in the evening, the BSA (and Bob Stein) will have a major fund raiser at the Convention Center Hotel. Speaker will be "Rudy", Notre Dame football 'star' whose story has been immortalized in a Hollywood movie, by the same name.

On Thursday May 1, 8 a.m. will be a breakfast buffet here at Grand View, the 5th Business Roundtable sponsored by the Enterprise Zone and Heritage Health, "Green Development". What's green business and how can it benefit me?
RSVP to 412 371 6380 by April 28, 2008 or see Amy Starrett.

Braddock's own "Happy Buddha", aka Tom Michlovic, was the guest speaker. He just returned from an exciting and interesting trip to Viet Nam. (Tom is a veteran of the Viet Nam war.) His first trip was 4 years ago and this one was much more fun, he said. (Although the long trip there is harder on the ol' "bod" he admits!)
Friends of VietNam was the sponsoring group. Doctors fitted prosthetics of vicitms of land mines.
There are obvious signs of life: the larage ocean liners in the MeKong River Delta, and large planes parked on the tarmac at the airports.
One of the more intriguing 'tours' was visitng part of the 200 mile long tunnels of Chu-chi, a literal labyrinth of offensive and strategic wonder.
He visited a school, inspired and built by a vision of a 13 yr old western OH girl, coupled with leadership from World Vision.
Tom told how at one school they distributed back packs (and other gifts) to the school kids in the 95 degree heat, while the communist rulers just sat; they are 'not connected' to the people.
On the fourth day they flew to DaNang, a large base during the war, located on the S China Sea. Tom was surprised by how large DaNang is and how well lit by neon lights. Motor scooters are EVERYWHERE, with kids being brought to school in this way, wearing NO helmets. The helmet law covers adults only.
Hotels were 5 star, with a very cosmopolitan atmosphere in the large cities, such as Saigon and DaNang.
In answer to one of our questions, Tom said there is no animosity toward Americans, for we tip well!!
>>>>>>>If you missed today's meeting, Tom will have a power point presentation these verbal images will be expanded to a visual delight for all...

WInner of 50-50 of $12 was Gus Gray, who just returned home last week end from a two week cruise on Holland America lines. He and Bonnie departed from San Diego and visited about 8 ports of call along the Mexico coast. One of the impressions, besides having a nice and relaxing time, is the amount of poverty and also wealthy haciendas in close proximity. Welcome home Gus...enjoy a game of golf on your winnings.

We welcomed Jerry Balbot back. He's almost fully recovered from emergency gall bladder surgery. He'd show us the 'scar' but there are only a couple of little dots, where modern marvels laprascopically removed the diseased organ. Glad you are doing better Jerry.

Announcements:Bob Stein is hoping for a good turnout at the BSA fund raiser Thursday, April 24. Many Rotarians, including Bob, Dave Perla, Tom Michlovic, Cathy and Skip Gillis, John L Sullivan and Kimmie will be there.

Also Skip announced he has tickets for sale for the annual 3 Rivers Barbershop Chorus Concert. This year it is at WHHS, May 10, 7:30. Besides the Chorus, and Skip's "Songmen 4" quartet, the Pittsburgh Banjo Club and award winning Quartet will entertain, $15 pp, see Skip for tickets.

May 1, 8 a.m. at Grand View Golf club will be the 5th Business Roundtable, co-sponsored by the Enterprise Zone of Braddock, and Heritage Healtlh Foundation. The subject of this morning gathering is "Green Development".

Guest speaker was Director of Outreach, Tim Dawson from the "Unseamed Shakespeare Company". This summer "Out of This Furnace", will be preformed at the Carnegie Library. There are many exciting opportunities and programs coming to our valley reflecting the steel heritage and using youth from the Braddock Youth Project. Watch for more upcoming events.

Winner of the 50-50 was Kathy Dettore, with a slim pot of $12.

Guest Speaker today was Jim Simmermon, Fox Chapel Rotary, introduced by John L Sullivan. Jim came to help us remember our esteemed and Mr Rotary, Joe Miller. Many guests came, including: Candy and Debbie Whitney,Gus Gray's granddaughter, Alexis, Bob Brindley and his best friend Bev, Kimmie Sullivan.

As Jim Simmermon told his stories about Joe, our Rotarains relayed some favorite memories.
Gus spoke about how persistent Joe was, appearing at his plant, as Gus moved into Braddock with his welding business. Finally Gus concluded that if he joined Rotary, then Joe would leave him alone. "That was one of the best decisions I ever made!"
Mike Tobias spoke about the full pakcet of 37cent envelopes that we ALL rec'd regularly, just jammed with clippings and reminders.
Amy Starrett seconded the idea of Mike's, how she was 'pressured' to become President, ("we all take our turn at that"), while Joe was still with us to guide her.
ALso how left handed Joe would sent her Dad, also Left handed, notices about the Happy Left Handers day.
Cindy Whitney was told by Joe, not to join, or she'd stop doing all that she was doing to help our club! Cindy also always carries $1 around, a repayment on quick loan to Joe for a 50-50 ticket.
"I'm too busy" to be a Rotarian was no excuse for Tom Michlovic, Joe told him. Joe is "indefatiguable" (don't know how you spell that word Tom/Ron!!) Tom had know Joe at Camp Twin Echo, where he helped shape the lives of so many Boy Scouts
Guest Bob Brindley said that "never a Thursday night passed that we didn't talk", except if Joe was called to sub- volunteer at the Braddock Hospital, which he DID do regularly. Bob and Joe agreed that If a club is to succeed they MUST have a program and a bulleting. Or else, they are in trouble!

Jim, with 57 years perfect attendence gave us a framed favorite photo of Joe. Then later he us a box of corn flakes, covered with photo and sayings of Joe's that we all know so well. Tom touched all our hearts as he spoke Joe's words into posterity:Your task---to build a better world, God said.
And I asked Him how.
This world is such a large, vast place,
So complicated now
And I so small and useles am.
There's nothing I can do.But God in all his wisdom said,
Just build a better You.
Skip and I suggest that his
poem be put on our bulletin, front and center, part of the
permanent reminder of Joe and what our Goals for
our club are:

"Enthusiasm is the outward expression of an inner conviction."

Winner of the $17 50-50 (again!!!) Rose Miles, Congrats!

We were so pleased to see Cliff Wise join us....come back soon!

Our Rotary meeting today was highlighted by the power point presentation of John L Sullivan, (ably assisted by our own Ron G) of John and son Brad's week trip to help repair the homes of two victims of Katrina, in Biloxi MS. John said that they were treated as "Rock Stars" because they are plumbers; (contrasted to the run of the mill volunteer who paints or cleans up or tears down damaged dwellings). Before they went to their plumbing assignments, John showed us photos of the fun time in the French Quarter in New Orleans.
In the Presbyterian Church where they slept, they found the bunk bed barracks style difficult at first, but the quickly adqpted within 24 hrs to the living situation. Part of the work involved digging, which in Biloxi was so easy because the soil is sandy, not hard clay-like here in w. Pa. What was different too, was the lack of strict building/plumbing codes which is much more lax there. They enjoyed the young Canadian men who knew how to dig and work hard. John L said that he really enjoyed being away with his son Brad for a week, a real high point of that week in March.

Winner of the 50-50 of $16 was banker Dave Perla. It will help with his trip to the District Conference at the new Bedford Springs Hotel!


The New Rotary Club of the South Side MIXER

Not Chartered YET,

BUT They need your help

Come to a Membership Mixer


When - Thursday, May 29,2008 from 5 till 7 PM

Where - Mario's, at 16th and Carson streets
Cash bar - Drinks will be 1/2 price

Cost per Rotarian $10.00 Free for potential South Side Rotary members


1. Past District Governor Bob Rupp - 5 minute talk on "What happens on the District level"
2. Past District Governor Bob Arbuckle - 5 minute talk on "What happens on an international level"
3. Penny Folino will talk about "Thanksgiving - feed the Hungry" and what other help might be needed in the South Side Area


HELP Support the Foreign Exchange Student by Tom Nunnally, Forest Hills RotaryThis past year, I was a host counselor for Manami from Japan. Forest Hills was the host club, which required a monthly stipend (walking around money) of $75. So that this burden does not fall on one club, Forest Hills split the cost with Churchill. This year, we have a young lady coming from France. She will be a senior at the high school. I will again be the host counselor and we have the host families. I am hoping that some other of the clubs in the Woodland Hills (Braddock, Swissvale, and Turtle Creek would split the cost (about $25 per month each). This way everyone has a chance to be involved. Thank you for your consideration.



L to R
Ted Schleifer, Norm Tobias, Al Boss, sr. John L Sullivan, Fr Bob Boyle (First pastor of Good Sh. parish) , Joe Miller, Janet Leah Landis. In back; Al Savko and Jerry Platek.
Aoubt 1993, It is the year Father Bob honored as Rotarian of the Year.

Monday, April 7, 2008

APRIL 2008

On March 20 Erin Harrell , sponsored by Ron Gaydos, was installed as our newest member. She has come to Braddock (by way of Brooklyn, NY by way of Florida) as part of the Braddock Active Arts Initiative, which was formed to bring interest and new resources to the Braddock area on many fronts, including the arts and youth development.

Left Photo: Tom Michlovic, Mike Tobias, Idella Martin, Skip Gillis, and Tony Munson helped to install Erin.
Right: Deana Nell and Ron Gaydos with Erin Harrell


April 3
Guests today were: Cindy Sakala, Assistant DG; and Brian Whitney, President-elect of Turtle Creek Rotary.
17 Rotarians were present. We missed our president who was with first man Dan getting some medical tests. We wish them our best.

Announcements:John L Sullivan said that the Community Food Bank wanted the names of our Rotary volunteers for this Saturday's Produce to People Distribution: Al Boss, Ron Gaydos, Cathy and Skip, John L, Erin Harrell all siad they'd be at the Blazing Bingo. Ron also said that some Interact Club members are also coming.

Ron reminds us of the Points of Interests--- April 6-13 and the April 9, Wed., 8 PM Tony Buba film being shown at the Elks Club. All are invited.

Assistant DG Cindy Sakala reminded us of the District 7300 Conference at Bedford Springs. Also that each club member is expected to contributed $100 / year to the Paul Harris Foundation. She also encouraged us to apply, via Jose Ravano, Monroeville Rotary, for Grant money for projects in our town.

Our own Skip Gillis, Assistant DG elect, gave a report of the PETS conference, March 14 & 15. This year the theme of RI is "MAKE DREAMS REAL!.
He exhorted us to live into that vision of the Braddock Rotary, founded in 1928.
This year's District Assembly will be Thursday, April 24 in Oakdale and is especially for incoming officers. Dinner will be provided at $15 pp. Ron said he hopes to attend.
Winner of the 50-50 of $15 was Rosemary Miles (again!)

March 27
Rose Miles announced the Wilmerding YMCA’s 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament at Woodland Hills High School on Saturday Apr 12 in honor of Healthy Kids Day.

Erin Harrell announced the Points of Interest art project/tour/exhibition April 6-13

The District conference is in May 15, 16, and 17 at Bedford Springs. John L Sullivan will be attending. Hopefully Dave Perla and/or Deana Nell can too. Others, especially incoming officers, are encouraged to go at least one day.

Produce to People is the first Saturday of April 5. Let's all help of our regular hands on Braddock service to the community!

Member news---Tom Michlovic is off to Viet Nam with "Friends of DaNang" trip, and will return home on April 8.
Gus and Bonnie Gray are away, cruising along the coast of Mexico with stops along the way.
Ron Gaydos is away at a conference for a brownfields job training program that Heritage Health Foundation is starting in partnership with the US EPA and Carnegie Mellon University

Winner of the 50-50 of $12 was Rose Miles.

Over 400 people were supplied with fresh food and a good morning smile by over 30 volunteers, including Al Boss, Skip and Cathy Gillis, Erin Harrell, Amy Starrett, John L. Sullivan, and Ron Gaydos. NEXT P2P will be Saturday May 3 at the Blazing Bingo (845 Talbot Avenue)

By Jim Kunkleman, Incoming District Governor

I know your year has not started yet but I am asking for your help. As you know the outbound GSE team my year is going to Norway in September 2008. I am asking you to announce to your clubs that we are looking for a Rotarian leader and team members. As you know this is a four week trip with most expenses paid by Rotary International. Our committee chair is Ed Grimes. He can be reached at 412-921-1325 or E-Mail Our goal is to have a team leader in place by Monday April 21,2008. Please give this your best shot. Thanks!


This year the GSE Team visiting the Pittsburgh area is coming from Venezuela.

They will be the area May 19 – 23rd, and hope to visit the Braddock Library and the Edgar Thomson Works.

MAMA Kitchen in Honduras
By Tom Nunnally, Forest Hills Rotary
Shoulder to Shoulder, Pittsburgh, is a group of volunteer UPMC doctors and their supporters (including the Forest Hills Rotary Club) who, with have established a clinic and nutritional program called MAMA Kitchen in the village of San Jose del Negrito in Honduras. The project seeks to address the village’s malnutrition and economic recovery in the wake of Hurricane Mitch several years ago. The project can be viewed at the website, or as a link on our web site.

By Kevin Zhukas, Forest Hills Rotary Past President

To our Local Rotary Clubs:

The Forest Hills Rotary is holding its second annual chili cookoff on April 27th at the Westinghouse Recreational Lodge on the Greensburg Pike. Last year's cookoff was a big success and we're looking forward to continuing the tradition! Your Rotary support is appreciated. An advertising invoice is attached. More information is contained in pages 11 and 12 of the March District Newsletter. Look forward to seeing you there!

By Denny Crawford, District Governor
Come One Come All… District 7300 Rotarians!
To the 2nd Annual Networking Mixer, being held at Sassy Maries (Formally the St. James Street Tavern on the North Side), on Tuesday, April 22nd from 5:30pm to 8:30pm.
The event is sure to be a fun filled event with music, good food, and lively conversation. There will be a local musical artist, Jessica Lee, who has recently released a new CD “Bluebird Fly” and plays Rhythm and Blues, Jazz, and Soul.
With FREE Parking located at Sassy Maries and nearby surface lots there will be plenty of parking available for everyone. The event will cost $15.00 per person; this will cover the appetizers being served at the event.
This will be a great way for Rotarians from all over District 7300 to meet each other and socialize in an informal event. We look forward to seeing you there!
April 6-13 – “Points of Interest – art installations by international artists around the Braddock area – organized by Dana Bishop-Root and Erin Harrell. See for more.
April 9 – Q-BOP (Steel Lore 4/9) – produced by Ron Gaydos – Tony Buba’s Ode to a steel town, the modern acoustic Band the NewLanders, and much more. See for more.
April 12 – YMCA 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament 11am-4pm at WHHS, organized by Rose Miles
April 22 – Primary Election Day – District 7300 Mixer (see above, but vote first!)
May 5 – Produce to People

Monday, March 3, 2008

MARCH 2008

February 28th
Our members Mike Tobias, Dave Perla, and Amy Starrett were set to tell their interesting life stories.

Mike talked about his growing up in Squirrel Hill while his father built up his business (called Dipcraft because the first products were balloons made by dipping light bulbs in latex. In the late 1940’s and in the 50’s most children hadn’t had balloons to play with since most rubber was being used in war materiel for WW II.) After graduating from college Mike went to work for Alcoa and was stationed in New Mexico. After a while he was invited by a friend to go to work on a kibbutz (communal farm) in Israel, where he met his wife! They returned to America after a few years, and Mike eventually took over the business, moving into fiberglass panels. The last orders for balloons were filled by Dipcraft this past fall. It was great to hear about Mike’s adventures and him fondly telling stories about his father, like the time he took 45 minutes to introduce a Rotary speaker, and when the speaker came to the podium all he said was “Any questions?”!

Dave told us about his growing up in Swissvale, being so precocious as to enter the Swissvale schools early, and being a star athlete. He met his wife Lynn there; she graduated a few years after Dave. Their three girls are “everything” to Dave and Lynn, who are active at Maria Dell Castella RC Church.

Amy will be back next week when there is more time to hear of her exploits.

February 21st
The speaker was Bob Grom, CEO of Heritage Health Foundation, and past Rotary Club President. He gave a presentation on a new web-based venture by Heritage called “All Things Braddock”. It invites local organizations and businesses to engage the local community through the web site, and will have products by local companies, things of historical interest such as books, greeting cards made from historic prints and other items, and links to local organizations for information and fundraising.

All local groups are invited to be listed on the site, with sponsorships helping to maintain it in return for their own page on the site.

The site is set to open in the spring, so keep an eye on that address!

February 14th
About 20 members attended. There were two guests: Erin Harrell, who visited before (Amy is sending her application to joining our Rotary Club), and Jim Spindler.

John L. Sullivan gave an upbeat report on his and his son Brad's trip to Mississippi to help repair the plumbing work in many homes damaged by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The trip was sponsored by District 7300. The pastor of the Presbyterian Church, which housed many volunteers, said that Pittsburgh is #1 in the nation, supplying people and money to help with rebuilding in the aftermath of Katrina. We look forward to a full report and many of the pictures later by John. He noted they really 'had a blast' and found that Canadian teens (with whom Jon and Brad shared the same living space) do a great job in helping to dig holes.

President Deana announced (for Jim Spindler who distributed flyers, but then had to leave) Gov Rendell would be making an announcement of $3 million in state funds at UPMC/Braddock on Wed, 1:30, Feb 20. All are welcome to be present it was to be held at Classroom A/B on the third floor of the Professional Building.
Also at the Hospital on Feb 20, from 11 am to 2 pm. is a welcome to Advanced Pain Medicine Office, Suite 201.

Mike Tobias introduced his guest speaker, Danae Clark. She spoke of the change in her career which has now focused on "Green" and Greening Businesses. One of her goals is to attract new businesses and help existing businesses as she focuses on urban farming and urban ecology. A year ago a discussion with Chuck and Amy Starrett about a "Green Enterprise Zone" network was initiated. Such endeavors will hopefully lead to more local jobs and income. She noted that Mike Tobias at Dipcraft is developing a business in vinyl solar panels, as a new part of his business.
Very interesting, thank you Mike for bringing Ms Clark to Rotary.

50/50 of $16 was won by Al Boss Jr.

PRODUCE TO PEOPLE Saturday March 8 – 8:30 at the Blazin’ Bingo

The staff of the Woodland Hills High School arts and literary magazine, Graphiti, will be holding its annual Graphiti Cafe on Thursday, March 13. This evening of entertainment is held each year in the High School cafeteria between 6:30 and 8:30 pm. The cafeteria is transformed into a coffee house environment with examples of student art, live entertainment, children's activities and prizes. There will be free beverages and food available. The event is open to the public at no charge, but donations to underwrite some of the magazine's expenses are gratefully accepted.


INTERACT CLUB at Woodland Hills High School
by Cathy Gillis
One January afternoon I attended a part of the Interact Club meeting.

They were busy planning and making posters for their "Flashback Dance" Friday, Feb 29. Students will dress in costumes appropriate for their favorite era; ( '90's 70's, etc.) Tickets would be $5 per student and they hoped to sell enough in order to hold the dance. (Sometimes this doesn't happen and the dances are called off!!)
Also on Jan 28 they conducted a Blood Drive and will again hold one on March 28. They are looking forward to their usual advisor, Ms. Heather Nypas' return the end of January. Mr. DAve Brown has done a great job as advisor to the club in her absence.

Heather Mantella has had a baby! Sabina Rose Mantella
“I was scheduled to be induced on Tuesday, but Sabina was born Friday, January 11 at exactly 12:30 pm and she weighed exactly 6 lbs. It was a very quick and easy delivery, and she looks just like my boy Tony the day he was born. And she is a sleeper, so far. She is a little premature, but she is very healthy.”


From Dave Perla:
If you remember, Grace Ekis was the little girl with a brain tumor that I spoke about a couple times and that the school did the “Race for Grace” fund raiser for. I wanted to let everyone know that she passed away early this morning of February 15th. This really hits home for me since my youngest daughter is the same age and has the same name. Please pray for the Ekis family in this time of great sorrow.

Skip and Cathy Gillis made up at Turtle Creek Rotary and heard a speaker describe the need for Clean water in Malawi and how TC Rotary is looking for an international project, such as this. One expert has said that IF nations had CLEAN water most health problems would be greatly reduced.
Skip Gillis has agreed to serve as Assistant DG to DG Jim Kunkelman for this upcoming year. He would be the liason/communications man with Braddock, Swissvale, Churchill and Forest Hills.

February News from District Governor Denny Crawford:
Among the highlights are the Venezuelan Group Exchange visit to Pittsburgh and the new membership movement.

South Coordinator
Team Leader- Diego Jose Brito- Educator
Team Member- Silva Maria Gil-corporate lawyer
Team Member- Douglas Roberto Romero Flores-high school English teacher
Team Member- Rossana Gabriel Penoth- Dentist
Team Member- Maria Eugenia Fanti-TV Producer (news)

Saturday, May10 Pick up at airport, dinner with host families
Sunday, May 11, team members rest
Monday, May 12-Dormont, Mt. Lebanon, Castle Shannon to host-Southside venues
Tuesday, May 13- vocational day
Wednesday May 14- To be hosted by Pittsburgh Rotary with downtown venues
Thursday May 15- Oakland hosts, Carnegie Museum and Cathedral of Learning
Friday, May 16 morning pack for District Conference, leave about 10:00am

District Conference Will stay Friday night and Saturday night at Hampton Inn, may stay on same floor with Rotary Exchange Students visiting the District Conference.
Sunday, May 18, return to host families in East.

Team Leader- Diego Jose Brito- Educator
Team Member- Silva Maria Gil-corporate lawyer
Team Member- Douglas Roberto Romero Flores-high school English teacher
Team Member- Rossana Gabriel Penoth- Dentist
Team Member- Maria Eugenia Fanti-TV Producer (news)
Monday, May 19- Morning rest- Frick Museum or Westmoreland Arts Museum
Tuesday, May 20-Vocational Day
Wednesday, May 21-Forest Hills host- Westmoreland Arts Museum or Kennywood, if open. If not, maybe the North or West can host. Alternate for FH, Pittsburgh Zoo.
Thursday, May 22- Monroeville Club hosts Westinghouse Museum
Friday, May 23- Turtle Creek, (and Churchill) hosts, Edgar Thomson
Works morning, leave for Washington, DC after Turtle Creek club meeting
Visit Washington, D.C. and Flight 93 site enroute
Sunday, May 25, Return to host families in North (about 7pm)

Team Leader- Diego Jose Brito- Educator
Team Member- Silva Maria Gil-corporate lawyer
Team Member- Douglas Roberto Romero Flores-high school English teacher
Team Member- Rossana Gabriel Penoth- Dentist
Team Member- Maria Eugenia Fanti-TV Producer (news)
Monday, May 26- morning rest, McCandless Club, trip to Pittsburgh Technical Institute in PM
Tuesday, May 27-Vocational Day
Wednesday, May 28-*
Thursday, May 29-*
Friday, May 30- morning rest, Kennywood, if open and not visited before, alternate Pittsburgh Zoo
Saturday, May 31 - move to West

Team Leader- Diego Jose Brito- Educator
Team Member- Silva Maria Gil-corporate lawyer
Team Member- Douglas Roberto Romero Flores-high school English teacher
Team Member- Rossana Gabriel Penoth- Dentist
Team Member- Maria Eugenia Fanti-TV Producer (news)
Sunday, June 1 –trip to Amish Country (Volant) and Prime Outlets
Monday, June 2-*
Tuesday, June 3- Vocational Day
Wednesday, June 4-Pack and leave for home

Other Venues for clubs to select
*Pirate Baseball Game-?
*Aviary, Carnegie Science Center (Pittsburgh North + one other club)
*Heinz History Center (Pittsburgh Club)
*Edgar Thomson Works (Braddock-Turtle Creek)
We need some clubs to co-host with the above suggested venues

Monday, February 25, 2008

Rotarian of the Year Jan. 24, 2008

Gus Gray Named Rotarian of the Year on January 24, 2008!!
Look at that guy - he better be smiling - a whole bunch of his family are smiling proudly back at him!

Monday, February 11, 2008


MEETING NOTES by Cathy Gillis
JAN 10th - Mark your calendars for the 80th Anniversary celebration of Braddock Rotary, Station Brake Cafe, Wilmering: January 24, 6 pm....
Friday 15, there will be a Valentine Day Dance, at Churchill Country Club, sponsored by Turtle Creek and Monroeville Sunrise Clubs. See Dean about details ( A table of 10 will cost $450, a savings of $5 pp.
Last Saturday at Produce to People,helpers from our club were: Gus Gray and granddaugher, Alexis; Paul Costa and son Dominic, and Cathy and Skip Gillis. NOTE: Next Produce to People Saturday ( around 8--9 a.m.) Blazing Bingo, Ninth and Talbot. February 2.

Continue to bring in non perishables for Sullivan's Food Drive. Monies are gratefully accepted and passsed along for the Community Food Bank to purchase food.

Speaker was a biking buddy of John L Sullivan's: Michael C Pascal.
"Why Health Care Costs so much"
Four 'Drivers' are:1) People are aging but also living longer.
2) Cessation of many from smoking
3) Obesity
4) Uninsured patients
Be Informed, Be Healthy.

No 50 50 :-( hopefully there will be one next week.

FEB 7th - Ron Gaydos introduced a guest, Hilary Blaker who works for Mayor Fetterman.
Announcements: Heather Mantella, Librarian on leave, gave birth last month to a girl. We signed a especially designed card, celebrating the new arrival. Mom and baby are doing great.

A thank you note was read by Madame President Deana.
" Dear Valued Contributor,
The Woodland HIlls High School Student Leadership class would like to thank you for your gnerous donation to the December 2007 "Race for Grace." We are proud to say that with your help, we have raised $11,300 for Grace Ekis and the Child Life Department of Children's Hospital.
With Gratitude, The Student Leadership Class."

Vice President Dave Perla shared some heart felt words about this neighbor and friend, who like him, has a dear young daughter, named Grace. Thank you Dave for making this valiant girl more real to us, as she battles an unoperable brain tumor.

Tom Michlovic reported that 5 Rotarians helped to bag produce for about 350 families on Saturday Feb 2: Ron Gaydos (and family) Gus Gray, Cathy and Skip Gillis and Tom. NOTE: the next Produce to People is the SECOND Saturday of March, March 8, Blazing Bingo, Ninth and Talbot.

We are hoping John L Sullivan and his son Brad is having a productive time in the Biloxi MS area, as part of the Rotary sponsored helpers for victims of "Katrina". Next week we hope to have an early report from John about his time there.

Friday February 15, is the District's Valentine Dinner and Dance. Call Deana Nell or Bob Rupp, Turtle Creek, if you and your Sweetheart plan to attend. IT is at the Churchill CC.

Amy Starrett, fresh back from sunny Florida, welcomed Debbie Rabel from the Elks, our home away from home for January and February. A Familiar face (around Good Shepherd Ladies Guils) to all, Debbie is the Past District Exalted Ruler of the Elks. She spoke very eloquently about the benevolent society the Elks are: emphasizing Patriotic causes and charity work. They spend time and money for children with muscular disabilites and visiting vets and vets hospitals, to name only two of many endeavors. The Elks began in 1886 with a group of NY actors and now its Foundation is worth over $165 billion. Locally there are 160 members, 40 of which are most active.
Winner of the 50-50 was Skip Gillis who donated the $16 winnings to The Elks.

Produce to People - NOTE - MARCH 8th

January 5th - Produce to People - helpers from our club were: Gus Gray and grand daugher, Alexis; Paul Costa and son Dominic, and Cathy and Skip Gillis.
February 2nd - Produce to People - Participating with several Rotarians at the Feb 2 Produce to People were 7 members of the WHHS Interact Club. They helped cut bags of onions and potatoes, stack boxes of juice, count oranges, give out bananas and assist the people with their late boxes of produce to their cars.
Rotarians present were: Gus Gray, Skip and Cathy Gillis, Tom Michlovic, Paul Costa (also some staff and children), the the Ron Gaydos family.

Braddock Rotary 80th Anniversary Celebration at the Station Brake Cafe in Wilmerding on January 24th. About 10 people from Gus Gray's family came to help us celebrate his being named the Rotarian of the Year. Now this "man of few words" can't contain his excitement!

NOTE: Board meeting minutes from January 10th and February 7th are available from the Secretary.