Thursday, May 8, 2008

MAY 2008

CALL FOR PLACEMAT ADS by Joanne Schleifer
These will be for the Braddock Rotary and Good Shepherd Parish and School Speghettie Luncheon. Business card -size ads are $25, payable to Braddock Rotary Club ad sent to Joanne Schleifer at 200 Comrie Street, 15104. Questions? contact Joanne at 412-877-7052

See the Upcoming Events at left for more Braddock Rotary Club activities and events.

Five Questions for: Erin Harrell, Our Newest Member

What brings you to Rotary? And to the area?
Like most big changes in life my moving to the area is the result of many small events. A good friend from high school, Callie Curry, came to Braddock in January of 2007 to participate in an art show. She fell in love with a beautiful building in a place with an intriguing mix of unique historical significance and an all too familiar post-industrial present. She called me and a few other people with whom she had previously worked and invited us to dream of the kind of life we'd create for ourselves and neighbors if we had the chance. We spent a few months talking about what we knew of the area, what we overwhelming didn't know, and what we wanted to learn.

Our dream project grew to include artist residencies, textile work, a print shop, alternative construction techniques, urban agriculture, and on and on. We agreed that the details would need to develop over time and in context and we realized that our core values and work ethics aligned enough to create a really strong organization. The timing was right for me as I was finishing graduate school for Arts Administration and looking for a next step. I felt as if my entire background of nonprofit work, community organizing, and art work could be used in this adventure.

More than anything else it is hope for a life rooted in personal responsibility, relationships, and the freedom to take risks that brought me here. I decided to come to the first Rotary meeting on a whim. The good natured comraderie and commitment to doing good in the world made we want to come back.

What have you enjoyed about being in Rotary so far?
All of you!! I really appreciate the welcome that has been extended. Growing up in the church the word "fellowship" has come to mean a lot to me. I also value the opportunity to get to know people that I might not otherwise meet.

What surprised you about the Club, if anything?
How much laughter there is at each meeting. It's been a good surprise!

What might the Club be surprised to know about you?
I always feel like such an open book; I'm not sure how to answer this one. Something about myself that still surprises me - In 2005 I completed two triathlons, one in Texas and one in Florida. Not as surprising: I didn't keep up my training afterwards.

= R =



Guest of Rosemary Miles was Kevin Henderson of Braddock; welcome Kevin.

Nice to see first man Dan back at Club. Hope you keep getting healthier and healthier, along with the sunshine of spring.

Also, welcome Jim Watts; always good to have you with us.

Last Saturday Al Boss, Erin Harrell, Skip and Cathy Gillis, Ron Gaydos, Amy Starrett, and John L Sullivan helped the Community Food Bank distribute produce to about 400 people from about 8 to 11 at the Blazing Bingo, Ninth and Talbot.
REMEMBER the next PRODUCE TO PEOPLE will be the first Saturday of May, May 3. BE SURE AND COME.

THis Saturday, April 12, at WHHS, Rosemary Miles invites us to come and watch the 3 on 3 Basketball 'tourney', from 11 to 4. We helped purchase Tee shirts for the youth to wear during this torunament. Also Rose says there will be a National Healthy Kids Day activity going on simultaneously.

Speaker next week, April 17, will be "Unseamed Shakespeare Co" who will share with us their plans for a production of "Out of this Furnace".
(If you have not read Thomas Bell's book by the same title, be sure and do so. It is a masterpiece about our valley and the struggles of the early immigrants from southeastern Europe who came to work the mills.)

On April 24, Jim Simmermon will share his memories of Joe Miller, who passed away two years ago. I'm sure we will all want to join in remembering our favorite stories of 'our' beloved Joe.

Also on April 24, in the evening, the BSA (and Bob Stein) will have a major fund raiser at the Convention Center Hotel. Speaker will be "Rudy", Notre Dame football 'star' whose story has been immortalized in a Hollywood movie, by the same name.

On Thursday May 1, 8 a.m. will be a breakfast buffet here at Grand View, the 5th Business Roundtable sponsored by the Enterprise Zone and Heritage Health, "Green Development". What's green business and how can it benefit me?
RSVP to 412 371 6380 by April 28, 2008 or see Amy Starrett.

Braddock's own "Happy Buddha", aka Tom Michlovic, was the guest speaker. He just returned from an exciting and interesting trip to Viet Nam. (Tom is a veteran of the Viet Nam war.) His first trip was 4 years ago and this one was much more fun, he said. (Although the long trip there is harder on the ol' "bod" he admits!)
Friends of VietNam was the sponsoring group. Doctors fitted prosthetics of vicitms of land mines.
There are obvious signs of life: the larage ocean liners in the MeKong River Delta, and large planes parked on the tarmac at the airports.
One of the more intriguing 'tours' was visitng part of the 200 mile long tunnels of Chu-chi, a literal labyrinth of offensive and strategic wonder.
He visited a school, inspired and built by a vision of a 13 yr old western OH girl, coupled with leadership from World Vision.
Tom told how at one school they distributed back packs (and other gifts) to the school kids in the 95 degree heat, while the communist rulers just sat; they are 'not connected' to the people.
On the fourth day they flew to DaNang, a large base during the war, located on the S China Sea. Tom was surprised by how large DaNang is and how well lit by neon lights. Motor scooters are EVERYWHERE, with kids being brought to school in this way, wearing NO helmets. The helmet law covers adults only.
Hotels were 5 star, with a very cosmopolitan atmosphere in the large cities, such as Saigon and DaNang.
In answer to one of our questions, Tom said there is no animosity toward Americans, for we tip well!!
>>>>>>>If you missed today's meeting, Tom will have a power point presentation these verbal images will be expanded to a visual delight for all...

WInner of 50-50 of $12 was Gus Gray, who just returned home last week end from a two week cruise on Holland America lines. He and Bonnie departed from San Diego and visited about 8 ports of call along the Mexico coast. One of the impressions, besides having a nice and relaxing time, is the amount of poverty and also wealthy haciendas in close proximity. Welcome home Gus...enjoy a game of golf on your winnings.

We welcomed Jerry Balbot back. He's almost fully recovered from emergency gall bladder surgery. He'd show us the 'scar' but there are only a couple of little dots, where modern marvels laprascopically removed the diseased organ. Glad you are doing better Jerry.

Announcements:Bob Stein is hoping for a good turnout at the BSA fund raiser Thursday, April 24. Many Rotarians, including Bob, Dave Perla, Tom Michlovic, Cathy and Skip Gillis, John L Sullivan and Kimmie will be there.

Also Skip announced he has tickets for sale for the annual 3 Rivers Barbershop Chorus Concert. This year it is at WHHS, May 10, 7:30. Besides the Chorus, and Skip's "Songmen 4" quartet, the Pittsburgh Banjo Club and award winning Quartet will entertain, $15 pp, see Skip for tickets.

May 1, 8 a.m. at Grand View Golf club will be the 5th Business Roundtable, co-sponsored by the Enterprise Zone of Braddock, and Heritage Healtlh Foundation. The subject of this morning gathering is "Green Development".

Guest speaker was Director of Outreach, Tim Dawson from the "Unseamed Shakespeare Company". This summer "Out of This Furnace", will be preformed at the Carnegie Library. There are many exciting opportunities and programs coming to our valley reflecting the steel heritage and using youth from the Braddock Youth Project. Watch for more upcoming events.

Winner of the 50-50 was Kathy Dettore, with a slim pot of $12.

Guest Speaker today was Jim Simmermon, Fox Chapel Rotary, introduced by John L Sullivan. Jim came to help us remember our esteemed and Mr Rotary, Joe Miller. Many guests came, including: Candy and Debbie Whitney,Gus Gray's granddaughter, Alexis, Bob Brindley and his best friend Bev, Kimmie Sullivan.

As Jim Simmermon told his stories about Joe, our Rotarains relayed some favorite memories.
Gus spoke about how persistent Joe was, appearing at his plant, as Gus moved into Braddock with his welding business. Finally Gus concluded that if he joined Rotary, then Joe would leave him alone. "That was one of the best decisions I ever made!"
Mike Tobias spoke about the full pakcet of 37cent envelopes that we ALL rec'd regularly, just jammed with clippings and reminders.
Amy Starrett seconded the idea of Mike's, how she was 'pressured' to become President, ("we all take our turn at that"), while Joe was still with us to guide her.
ALso how left handed Joe would sent her Dad, also Left handed, notices about the Happy Left Handers day.
Cindy Whitney was told by Joe, not to join, or she'd stop doing all that she was doing to help our club! Cindy also always carries $1 around, a repayment on quick loan to Joe for a 50-50 ticket.
"I'm too busy" to be a Rotarian was no excuse for Tom Michlovic, Joe told him. Joe is "indefatiguable" (don't know how you spell that word Tom/Ron!!) Tom had know Joe at Camp Twin Echo, where he helped shape the lives of so many Boy Scouts
Guest Bob Brindley said that "never a Thursday night passed that we didn't talk", except if Joe was called to sub- volunteer at the Braddock Hospital, which he DID do regularly. Bob and Joe agreed that If a club is to succeed they MUST have a program and a bulleting. Or else, they are in trouble!

Jim, with 57 years perfect attendence gave us a framed favorite photo of Joe. Then later he us a box of corn flakes, covered with photo and sayings of Joe's that we all know so well. Tom touched all our hearts as he spoke Joe's words into posterity:Your task---to build a better world, God said.
And I asked Him how.
This world is such a large, vast place,
So complicated now
And I so small and useles am.
There's nothing I can do.But God in all his wisdom said,
Just build a better You.
Skip and I suggest that his
poem be put on our bulletin, front and center, part of the
permanent reminder of Joe and what our Goals for
our club are:

"Enthusiasm is the outward expression of an inner conviction."

Winner of the $17 50-50 (again!!!) Rose Miles, Congrats!

We were so pleased to see Cliff Wise join us....come back soon!

Our Rotary meeting today was highlighted by the power point presentation of John L Sullivan, (ably assisted by our own Ron G) of John and son Brad's week trip to help repair the homes of two victims of Katrina, in Biloxi MS. John said that they were treated as "Rock Stars" because they are plumbers; (contrasted to the run of the mill volunteer who paints or cleans up or tears down damaged dwellings). Before they went to their plumbing assignments, John showed us photos of the fun time in the French Quarter in New Orleans.
In the Presbyterian Church where they slept, they found the bunk bed barracks style difficult at first, but the quickly adqpted within 24 hrs to the living situation. Part of the work involved digging, which in Biloxi was so easy because the soil is sandy, not hard clay-like here in w. Pa. What was different too, was the lack of strict building/plumbing codes which is much more lax there. They enjoyed the young Canadian men who knew how to dig and work hard. John L said that he really enjoyed being away with his son Brad for a week, a real high point of that week in March.

Winner of the 50-50 of $16 was banker Dave Perla. It will help with his trip to the District Conference at the new Bedford Springs Hotel!


The New Rotary Club of the South Side MIXER

Not Chartered YET,

BUT They need your help

Come to a Membership Mixer


When - Thursday, May 29,2008 from 5 till 7 PM

Where - Mario's, at 16th and Carson streets
Cash bar - Drinks will be 1/2 price

Cost per Rotarian $10.00 Free for potential South Side Rotary members


1. Past District Governor Bob Rupp - 5 minute talk on "What happens on the District level"
2. Past District Governor Bob Arbuckle - 5 minute talk on "What happens on an international level"
3. Penny Folino will talk about "Thanksgiving - feed the Hungry" and what other help might be needed in the South Side Area


HELP Support the Foreign Exchange Student by Tom Nunnally, Forest Hills RotaryThis past year, I was a host counselor for Manami from Japan. Forest Hills was the host club, which required a monthly stipend (walking around money) of $75. So that this burden does not fall on one club, Forest Hills split the cost with Churchill. This year, we have a young lady coming from France. She will be a senior at the high school. I will again be the host counselor and we have the host families. I am hoping that some other of the clubs in the Woodland Hills (Braddock, Swissvale, and Turtle Creek would split the cost (about $25 per month each). This way everyone has a chance to be involved. Thank you for your consideration.



L to R
Ted Schleifer, Norm Tobias, Al Boss, sr. John L Sullivan, Fr Bob Boyle (First pastor of Good Sh. parish) , Joe Miller, Janet Leah Landis. In back; Al Savko and Jerry Platek.
Aoubt 1993, It is the year Father Bob honored as Rotarian of the Year.

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